So how do you come up with a great title? Look at your finished work, as well as your rough notes. Ask yourself “How does this art make you feel?” Think about snippets of conversations that you heard, quotes from movies or books. Jot down words or phrases that first come to mind that connect you to your artwork that’s in front you. Use a thesaurus or dictionary to help wordsmith the perfect title. A few key points to consider when writing a title are:
The great thing about looking at art – be it an abstract installation, or a representational illustration, is that there is some room for the viewer to use their imagination, and to question what they are looking at. That is, what’s the untold story? I believe the best titles offer a bit of intrigue, don’t give away the punchline, or overstate the obvious. As noted in What's in a (painting's) name? … a poor title, not the art quality or subject, can place art in the rejection heap solely because it doesn’t engage the viewer. So regardless of the type of art you create, take the time to give it a proper name. Otherwise, you risk not having your work properly seen, or worse yet, making it into listings such as Worst book titles and covers ever. If you liked this blog post, you may also like: Comments are closed.